Getting Him Back (Ethan and Wyatt #1) by K.A. Mitchell (4 Stars)

He didn’t catch the dream he was chasing, but he caught someone better.

Ethan has been living a charmed life, until he makes a surprise early visit to see his boyfriend, Blake. Ethan followed Blake by attending the same college only to find that their relationship has ended. In the hopes of figuring out how to get him back, Ethan befriends Blake’s roommate, Wyatt. The only problem is that Wyatt has developed a crush on Ethan.

Wyatt Reese has Waardenburg Syndrome which has caused him to have some hearing loss and two different colored eyes. He had just enough differences from the other kids when growing up to make him feel like an outsider. This also caused him to start hanging out with the wrong crowd which lead to him getting in serious trouble. He’s trying to take advantage of this second chance by putting his past behind him and working hard in school. Unfortunately, a lifetime of being treated like an outcast has caused him to suffer from low self-esteem. Ethan has to work hard to convince Wyatt that he’s not just a rebound boyfriend, but instead somebody he truly cares about.

Ethan and Wyatt make a cute couple. With their opposite backgrounds but similar interests, they seem to really enjoy each other’s company. As they work through their new potential relationship, there are several ups and downs. One constant positive is that they certainly enjoy each other’s bodies. A good portion of the story is spent with the two of them exploring kissing, sex, and everything in between. Ethan’s new friends also provided for interesting entertainment. This first story in the series is told completely from Ethan’s point of view. Ethan has a great outlook on life and was a lot of fun to listen to.

Young love has its ups and downs, but Ethan and Wyatt are working hard to win each other’s hearts.

coverOriginally reviewed for The Romance Reviews. Complimentary copy provided by author/publisher for an honest review.


Ethan may have followed his high school sweetheart to college only to get dumped his first day there, but he’s not going to let that stop him from exploring all his new life has to offer. Sex-only hookups, his photography, new friends and a campus-wide game of zombies vs humans all help keep his mind off his broken heart and move him toward building a new, better life without his ex.

And then there’s Wyatt. Mysterious, grouchy—hot. And possibly not gay. But Ethan’s not going to let that stand in the way of figuring out what makes Wyatt tick. New college goal? Get Wyatt into bed and into Ethan’s life.

Step one: arrange a “tutoring” date. Step two: “accidentally” bump into Wyatt as often as possible. Step three: explore the sexy body under that ever-present hoodie. And when their friendship deepens into something neither of them expect, convince Wyatt he’s not just a pity fling or a one-time hookup, but that Ethan is in it for the long haul.

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