Cataclysmic Shift (The Aloysius Tales #3) by Tara Lain (3 Stars)

Shifters and witches and humans all fight together for love.

Aloysius is a cat who also happens to magnify the strength of one of the most powerful witches in the world. Unfortunately, after being attacked, he becomes a human with no memory of who or what he is except his name–Alain. Luke Elliott is a veterinarian with a secret past, who prefers animals to humans until he discovers Alain. They quickly fall in love, but must determine if they can live with each other’s pasts and futures.

Aloysius/Alain is endearing as both a cat and a man. Luke is a pretty lonely person who thinks he can spend the rest of his life just taking care of the animals and avoiding his past. As soon as these two meet, they both seem to agree that they were meant for each other. It was a little awkward listening to Alain make cat noises and watching him clean himself while he was in human form. The sex wasn’t really kinky, but some of their discussions around it were a bit strange to a certain extent. The story moved quickly while alternating between the action, sex, and friendship scenes. I liked how the author managed to weave Luke’s interesting background into the activities taking place surrounding the witches and their struggle for power.

I didn’t read the first two stories in this series, and I think it would have made it more enjoyable if I had. Characters from the earlier story played a pivotal role in this book, and since I really enjoyed seeing them, I’m sure I would have loved them even more if I knew their history. Overall, I enjoyed this fast-paced story with a sweet romance and plenty of suspenseful action scenes.


Originally reviewed for The Romance Reviews. Complimentary copy provided by author/publisher for an honest review.


Super cat, Aloysius, may be the most powerful witch’s familiar in the world, but when he takes a blast at the hand of an evil witch he loses it all — power, memory, and his feline form — to become the ethereal human beauty, Alain Bellarose. When Alain wakes up naked on the floor surrounded by dogs and cats, his eyes first set upon Luke Elliott, the handsome and mysterious veterinarian. Suddenly, the prospect of being human doesn’t seem so bad.

Luke has a lot to hide and he likes animals way more than people, but he can’t resist the flamboyant boy who washes his face with the side of his hand and tries to lick his own privates! The loss of Aloysius depletes the power of the Witch Master, Killian Barth, and that of his “secret weapon” Sammy and leaves their coven sitting ducks for two very nasty females. When Alain discovers that he’s really a powerful cat, he’s faced with the ultimate choice. To protect his community, or stay with the man he loves.

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