The Shearing Gun by Renae Kaye (3.5 Stars)

Hank and Elliot are both really great guys. The entire story is told from Hank’s POV, and he was pretty interesting. I would have loved to have gotten to know Elliot better. He seemed to have an interesting background, but it was never really shared in any great detail. The other characters, especially Hank’s family, added to the enjoyment of the story. Unfortunately, the extensive time spent on the sheep farm and the details about shearing made the story lag for me. I wish that time had focused more on developing the relationship between Hank and Elliot. Although they were both pretty amazing people, and they certainly connected on a physical basis, I’m not sure I understood why they fell in love with each other. Overall, it was a fairly light and enjoyable romance.


Originally reviewed for Swept Away By Romance. Complimentary copy provided by author/publisher for an honest review.


At twenty-five, Hank owns a small parcel of land in Australia’s rural southwest where he supplements his income from the property with seasonal shearing. Hank is a “shearing gun”—an ace shearer able to shear large numbers of sheep in a single day. His own father kicked him out when his sexuality was revealed, and since no one would ever hire a gay shearer, Hank has remained firmly closeted ever since.

Elliot is the newbie doctor in town—city-born and somewhat shell-shocked from his transplant to the country. When a football injury brings Hank to Elliot’s attention, an inappropriate sexual glance and the stuttered apology afterward kickstarts their friendship. Romance and love soon blossom, but it’s hard for either of them to hope for anything permanent. As if the constant threat of being caught isn’t enough, Elliot’s contract runs out after only a year.

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