Islands by Samantha Kane (4.5 Stars)

I really enjoyed this extremely sensual story. The story takes place during a war, but it didn’t overwhelm the romance. Instead, it gave it depth and made the characters and their situation very realistic. Gabe and Rene’ are both extremely intelligent and kind people. I enjoyed their conversations and watching them spend time together. It’s not easy having two strangers have sex right after meeting and still make it feel romantic. However, that’s exactly what the author manage to do. From the moment they met, their relationship was destined to lead to love.



Islands Samantha Kane Lieutenant Commander Gabriel Conlan, United States Navy Seabees, knows he’s not in Kansas anymore when he steps off the launch at the small island of Ile Dor e and sees gorgeous Frenchman Ren Dubois waiting for him on the dock. The year is 1943, the place is the Pacific and the world is at war. Free from the censure of the military, Gabe has an explosive affair with Ren . But when the world intrudes, Gabe denies Ren and tries to forget the best sex of his life. The only westerner on his small Pacific island, Ren is desperately lonely. When the tall, lanky American steps onto his dock, Ren knows his life will never be the same. He teaches Gabe how to make love to a man and, unexpectedly, falls in love. Ren will brave prejudice, Japanese Zeros and Gabe’s reluctance to find love at last. Publisher Note: This story was published elsewhere in a print anthology titled Esprit de Corps.

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