Slam! by J.L. Merrow (5 Stars)

Witty sarcasm coupled with a sweet romance made for a story that’s hard to put down!

Jude Biggerstaff is a recent college graduate who hasn’t quite started to work on his career. After a bad breakup, he decides to live with his Mom, work on his violin and poetry skills, and hang out with his best friend Keisha. After David saves Jude from being mugged, they begin a lovely romance. Since David isn’t completely out, and Jude’s Mom is dating David’s coworker, there are some interesting antics taking place.

Phenomenal character development with Jude, his best friend Keisha, his Mom, and David. The story is told from Jude’s POV, and he is one of the most sarcastic and funny characters I have ever read with Keisha as a close second. Their relationship was truly the key to this wonderful story. I could have read about them all day and never got tired of their conversations.

Jude’s love interest, David, was a nice guy who was still partially hiding the fact he was gay from the rest of the world. They had a very sweet relationship developing with David trying to get to know Jude through several dates before engaging in a physical relationship. Considering Jude could turn almost any comment into a sexual innuendo, this wasn’t easy for David. For the bulk of the story, you’re basically following Jude around in his daily life, including some fun poetry slams, looking at things from his very interesting perspective. I’m really looking forward to reading this book again!


Originally reviewed for The Romance Reviews. Complimentary copy provided by author/publisher for an honest review.


Limericks, lies and puppy-dog eyes

Jude Biggerstaff is all the way out and loving it—mostly. The Anglo-Japanese university graduate is a carnivore working in a vegan café, an amateur poet with only one man in his life. His dog, Bubbles.

Then there’s “Karate Crumpet,” a man who regularly runs past the café with a martial arts class. Jude can only yearn from afar, until the object of his affection rescues him from muggers. And he learns that not only does this calm, competent hunk of muscle have a name—David—but that he’s gay.

Jude should have known the universe wouldn’t simply let love fall into place. First, David has only one foot out of the closet. Then there’s Jude’s mother, who lies about her age to the point Jude could be mistaken for jailbait.

With a maze of stories to keep straight, a potential stepfather in the picture, ex-boyfriends who keep spoiling his dates with David, and a friend with a dangerous secret, Jude is beginning to wonder if his and David’s lives will ever start to rhyme.

Warnings: contains a tangled web of little white lies, a smorgasbord of cheesy limericks, a violin called Vanessa, some boots that mean business, and the most adorable little dog ever. Poetry, it’s not…

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