A Threefold Cord by Julie Bozza (5 Stars)

A beautiful look into the emotional challenges of being in a polyamorous relationship.

Grae Edwards tells us the story of how he, Ben Clyde, and Chris Willoughby meet and fall in love. All three were involved in the world of theater as actors, with Ben also being a writer. They met while working on a play together, and initially it was only Grae and Ben. However, over time, both Grae and Ben realized that they needed Chris. Now they have to see if they can work through the dynamics of having three people in a long-term relationship.

I found this story fascinating. I love to feel like I’m in the middle of what’s happening in the minds of the characters, and this story did a great job of really pulling me into Grae’s head. The conversations between these characters were also perfect in their simplicity. They addressed several issues including how to tell their family and how to address sex when there were only two of them available. Watching them address the issue of jealousy through their thoughts and actions put me on the edge, wondering if this relationship could truly be pulled off.

A magnificent and emotional reflection on the complexities of a relationship among three men.


Originally reviewed for The Romance Reviews. Complimentary copy provided by author/publisher for an honest review.


Grae Edwards and his co–stars Chris Willoughby and Ben Clyde work together well. Maybe they even have a chemistry. Certainly they are friends and Grae is tempted to ask for more … After the beautiful tart Chris has the temerity to turn him down, Grae settles into a comfortable loving relationship with the more chivalrous Ben. But the idea of Chris never quite goes away – and when Chris finally suggests the three of them spend a night together, Grae glimpses a solution he hardly dares hope for.

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