Cursed Love by Pelaam (3 Stars)

Shifters and mages working together to save true love!

Conall, a ranch owner and shifter, is afraid he might have missed his chance to find his soul mate. He’s living with his dear friends and ranch hands, Jackson and Annie, and trying to make ends meet. A potential buyer of his goods brings her assistant, Blaine, and there is an instant attraction between Blaine and Conall. Unfortunately, something is wrong with Blaine but nobody can determine the problem. In an interesting twist, the author tells the story from Conall’s and Annie’s points of view. It works, in this case, since Annie is key in helping to resolve the danger surrounding Blaine.

The characters were interesting and the concept for the story was creative. With tighter editing, the story could have had a lot of great potential. Additional dialogue between Conall and Blaine would have helped to make the romance more believable.


Originally reviewed for The Romance Reviews. Complimentary copy provided by author/publisher for an honest review.


As Valentine’s Day approaches, ranch owner Conall wishes he would find love. He doesn’t expect to be drawn towards Blaine, the beautiful chauffeur of rich bitch Sable, his prospective client.

However, neither Sable nor Blaine are all they seem to be. With the help of his friends, Conall finds himself in a race against time to save Blaine.

Will their love prove strong enough to defeat a curse born of hatred?

Be Warned: m/m sex, public exhibition.

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